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Depending on your presenting symptoms and previous medical history, other examinations such as neuroimaging, neuro-physiologic examination, blood or CSF analysis etc might be required. No additional costs will be added without your approval.
We also offer case studies, second opinions, studies of the most current research etc. Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions

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Meet your neurologist from wherever you are. Forget about the traffic, the delays, crowed waiting rooms and sterile environment. We follow your clinical evolution, clinical or pharmacologic response or results of further studies, such as imaging studies, neuro-physiologic studies or blood-tests through our secure online meetings.

Your prescriptions will be sent as pDF files to your e-mail or as a QR-code which you simply show at your local pharmacy.

Considering the current situation with covid-19 this could be a preferred option for elderly or patients in risk-groups, even as a first visit.


Considering the current situation with covid-19 this could be a preferred option for elderly or patients in risk-groups, even as a first visit.



We offer to study or re-consider all aspects of your clinical history, study and present the latest research and pharmacologic approaches to you. We would like to be the "defense attorney" to our patients and fight for them as if they were our relatives and loved ones.

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Meet your psychologist online

Meet your psychologist from wherever you are. Forget about the traffic, the delays, crowed waiting rooms and sterile environment. Feel comfortable in your own house or a lonely shore.



Neuro Palma

+34 616283185

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©2020 by M.D, PhD Jessika Nystedt. Proudly created with

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